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Turn Marshal Tips
1.) Watch only your section of the track. Do not watch the race.

2.) Keep both hands free. Don't eat, drink, or smoke while marshalling.

3.) Oncoming traffic has the right of way. Marshall the wrecked car only when you can do so without interfering with traffic.

4.) Try to marshall the car that was leading, first.

5.) If a car jumped the barrier, place it back in the lane it left.

6.) If a car stops in your section, pick it up and place it down once. If it doesn't start, then pick it up and place it out of the way, and upside down. It is not your responsibility to turn the car off, or run across the track to take the car to the sidelines.

7.) Do not place a marshalled vehicle on the track in front of oncoming traffic.

8.) Marshalls DO NOT work on broken or disabled vehicles.

9.) Do not throw cars.

10.) Do not leap or jump into the air. It only increases your chances of landing on someone's car.

11.) Do not touch a vehicle if it is still being accelerated by the driver. Drivers let go of the trigger if you want to be marshalled.

12.) Marshall like you want to be marshalled.

13.) Drivers do not yell or scream at the marshalls.

For the protection of the turn marshalls, all vehicles must run a gear cover.
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